E-motional !!!

Its not always possible to pose a smiling face ,be comfortable with everyone and enjoy any company..
People who say that they never get bored or they are never sad ,u bet they are lying to you ..
Its a great attitude to feel that way but there in one single person on earth who was never sad or got bored.
when one is really sad or having an emotional breakdown its better to always share with ONE person with whom you are really comfortable and one who understands you better. If you do not have anyone like that then take that day off..Isolate yourself from rest of the world for that day..and do things you like the most..:) 
There are days when you wanna be alone..stay on bed lazily for long ,do nothing and yet enjoy and feel good..
There is absolutely nothing wrong about this it as you feel you need time for yourself..
Sometimes you may not  know the reason also for being that way.. And its not necessary always to find reason for everything happening around you..
Nothing Can be achieved with a bad state of mind or a mind filled with 1000 questions.
I have spent many days like this and many nights thinking about nothing..
And believe me i have achieved nothing yet.
Life is not always about trying to accomplish something its just not a machine waiting to meet the set target.
To be a good human is an achievement by itself..
well ,let me tell you more about this a little later..


Unknown ಹೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ…
Hats Off!!! Its simply beautiful thought....
Radhika Joshi ಹೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ…
oh my god!! you read it thanks so much dear :)
Unknown ಹೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ…
Very nice thoughts... hope you have implemented them too :-)

ಈ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್‌ನ ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು

ಸನಾತನ ''ಸುಧರ್ಮ''