No looking back
Never had a courtship fuss
Not known you long
Don't know what connected us
But when we met surely hit a gong
My like were your dislike
Neither a word nor a thought
Priorities and expectations were on hike
As every fight came with a fraught
Days were long weeks were short
Months gone by, years passed
Antics of Romance were never sort
Conduct and control were in a morass
War of words and occasional tussle
Command and consent and contend with
Wit and pun slowly start to rustle
Defence and offence seemed like a myth
Seasons changed so did the weather
Leaves shed flowers blossomed along
World once still now a flowing river
The road most travelled we also walked strong
The world comes to full circle
Making us revolve all over the globe
Running around born to the purple
On an never ending journey in a probe
The best company I could have asked for
The best bet I could have ever placed
The best place I could ever be
The best in you is the best I always look forward to