Be Indifferent

Yeah you read it right!!!
When you have achieved a bit or excited about new changes happening in your life the people around you more than sharing your happiness might a bit discomfort you with their vague explanations and personal experience about such a situation of theirs.
Once you get a sign of such a thing Be Indifferent to them..A negative vibe may spoil the whole atmosphere ,the happiness the excitement is vanished in seconds
Just don't give heed to such a person,just ignore his comments or responses and reactions..They are either sadist or jealous and such a person has never encountered happiness in life..
My only Mantra for such an aberrant person is being indifferent  ignoring his presence and being just myself.
This Mantra not only help those who in great mood but also those less successful in life..
By now you might have guessed to what category i belong to?Yes the latter one.. And i am constantly surrounded by such people.
How do you measure success?
Well lets discuss that after i do little research about successful people...


ಈ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್‌ನ ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು

E-motional !!!

ಸನಾತನ ''ಸುಧರ್ಮ''