Careless or Carefree?

Why Salaried Class in India are Careless or Carefree about the Income Tax paid by them?

Salaried class most whom i had an encounter were either IT professionals or Government employed.. Both these class or rather all salaried class had one thing in common that is paying less attention to the incometax paid by them.
                       Though all the employees should have ideally given form 16 and TDS details then why is the fuss at the time of filing the return of income in the month of July every year.
When form16 does not have many complications like housing loan ,capital gains,etc it is very easy for the assess himself to file the returns instead of delegating or outsourcing the work to someone else who are now a days charging exorbitant rates.
                       It is just not the duty of the employee to pay tax and sit quite it is more important to know the rules of the income-tax and the rights that an assesses enjoy by paying tax.
                      Now every person owns a laptop and is plugged to internet 24/7 , have access to comment on unwanted issues and most of the time blaming the government for not being technologically advanced can spare at-least 15 min a week to update themselves regarding rules amended by the law.
                     There are numerous websites which give latest information on the incometax and the rights one can use .A tax payer has every right to ask where is his money going? but people are not bother to know the information being given to them.
                   I can write a much detailed article on this but i request all the young IT professionals in India who are responsible for such a great economic growth in India and put India on the world map to wake up and seriously think about this .
                  My article is still not clear with the message it wants to pass however,only one thing i would like to mention is know your rights? and file your It returns on your own when the case is simple..

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