On a lazy evening, my kids were running around and as always with lots of laughing and calling out each other which made me a bit wanting some peaceful time.So, asked my son to play with building blocks along with sister as she loves to play with colourful blocks. As they started building it turned out to be a magnificent pyramid and Prateek had something to say , which I would like to share here in my words.

Building Hopes with colours

Colourful blocks made me think
As the universal at large is in sync

Fascinated by the rainbow  my child 
Made him build a pyramid wild

Each colour was building hope
Made us feel that we could cope

Simple word told by my son
After every dark night is the time for the bright sun

Rainbow and sun cannot be touched by us as they are up in the sky
The state of being happy and calm is within us and makes us go on a high 

Just by looking at these and getting so much positive energy which are millions of miles away from us we are so very happy but we always fail to find the happiness within us with small little things around like me watching my children create a moment of happiness and excitement .


Well written..kids always bring out the best in us

ಈ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್‌ನ ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು

E-motional !!!

ಸನಾತನ ''ಸುಧರ್ಮ''